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Christian Dior was born in the year 1905, in France on the French coastline, in a small town called Grenville. Dior lived in this town until he was about 5 years old, and then he up and moved with his family for Paris, France.

Christian Dior fell upon hard times, with the untimely death of both his mother and his brother, and he moved to the Soviet Union. He was hurting very bad financially, so an old-time friend of his gave him a place to stay and he also helped him start his career sketching dresses and hats.

Christian Dior started to sell his sketches, and some famous actresses loved them and purchased them. In 1941 when Christian Dior was out of the military he moved back to Paris -- and he joined another designer by the name of Lucien Lelong. Dior stayed with him until 1946 when he moved out on his own, and got his own salon and designed for himseld. Dior's first show was 90 outfits that were worn by six girls.

After his first collection, Christian Dior sat long and hard and tried to think what the women of Paris would want as the next big thing in their fashionable clothing. He thought that women were sick of the broad shoulders, built for men, really covered up look that was going on during this time and he mainly decided to shake things up a bit. Christian Dior thought to himself that he had to " Bring back beauty, feminine clothing, soft rounded shapes, and full flowing skirts). He wanted to make the women feel like flowers again like they felt in the 1930's, and he called this collection the COROLLE, also known as the ring of petals collection.

Women all over the world were embracing this wonderful new look of the Christian Dior Dresses. For some reason though, even with so many people loving this new look, many people were also against it. Some models that were on a photographic shoot even had things as extreme as having their clothes town off of them, and some governments throughout the world forbid the line, calling the collection outrageous and wasteful -- I wonder if they would feel the same today.

With many people loving Christian Diors styles, some when be come to USA would greet him with signs protesting his clothing line. Christian Dior didn't let the negativity of some hold him back, and every 6 months he released a new line, releasing 22 lines very swiftly.

The Master which is what Christian Dior was known by, passed on in the year of 1957, as he died of a very sudden heart attack. The fashion world as a whole was stunned in dis-belief when the new came out, and the company of Christian Dior which had over 1200 employee's was devestated. The company continued to prosper after the death of the creator, as the number two in line took charge and continued the domination in the fashion industry.





這個具有五十多年曆史的時裝界巨人,最早始於1945年,克里絲汀·迪奧先生在一位經營紡織品生意的朋友Marcel BOUSSAC先生的幫助下,在巴黎著名的高級時裝街Monteigne大道開設了克里絲汀·迪奧服裝店。1947年,迪奧先生推出被譽爲震撼性創作的其第一個個人時裝系列,爲時裝界帶來了令人眼前一亮的新風貌“The New Look”。


迪奧先生所設計的每一個系列,都是那麼的高雅尊貴,盡現女性之嫵媚。1957年他去世後,Yves Saint Laurent(聖羅蘭),Marc Bohan及Gianfranco Ferre先後擔任公司設計師一職。

1996年,迪奧公司迎來了最新一代的掌舵人——來自英國的設計師John GALLIANO。他對斜裁(Bias Cut)的成熟而巧妙的運用,極富性格且略帶誇張的設計,令國際傳媒將他稱爲高級時裝的救世主。從初入Dior對優雅經典的沿襲,到漸漸加入遊戲和反叛的精神,動搖了高級時裝一直以來高不可攀的地位。高貴與平凡,高級與通俗之間的絕對界限被打破,將迪奧品牌再次推上了巔峯。 20xx年十一月,他攜設計人員一行專程到中國的香港,上海和北京進行爲期三週的採風。中國大地的文化,歷史以及中國人豐富多彩的現代生活給他的創作和設計帶來巨大的靈感。兩個月後,他特意邀請了他在中國結識的“少林神武功團”和“海南寶平雜技團”的演員,在巴黎上演了充滿中國風情的20xx年Dior(迪奧)春夏高級時裝秀,獲得各方面好評。

近年來,Dior將其標識與設計造型理念巧妙地合二爲一,深受Dior愛戴者所推崇的Dior LOGO 系列又繼往開來,推出全新奉獻:“LOGO GLAMOUR”——一個浪漫嫵媚,精美典雅的粉紅色系列。該系列既充滿了清新的朝氣、精緻典雅的氣質以及不可抗拒的女性的浪漫嫵媚,同時又不缺乏Dior女性特有的優雅中的性感。法國有一支浪漫的情歌,名叫“粉紅色的一生”,即“一生浪漫無限”的意思。Dior粉紅色系列將伴隨每位時尚女性去親身體驗浪漫無限、時尚無限的人生之旅。

Dior 20xx年春夏高級時裝秀於20xx年1月19日在巴黎郊外的一個高級賽馬場拉開帷幕。秀臺上瀰漫着尼羅河兩岸的文化精粹與旖旎的風采——這是John GALLIANO從其最近一次埃及之旅中所帶回來的珍貴回憶。此次,John GALLIANO醞釀出一個嶄新的剪裁系列:“斯勞克斯系列”(Sphinxes Line)。

Dior 20xx/05 秋冬高級定製服裝(Haute Couture)巴黎秀於20xx年7月6日下午在巴黎郊外的一個高級跑馬場內舉行。剛剛從希茜公主的故鄉——奧地利採風歸來的John GALLIANO,搖身一變,成爲“高級定製服裝之王”,演繹着一個又一個宮廷舞會中的皇后,晚會中的公主……令大家彷彿又看見希茜公主的高貴典雅及好萊塢二十年代紅星葛麗泰·嘉寶的動人美貌。

90年代初設計的優雅女包Lady Dior,與戴安娜王妃有着一段特殊的傳奇。Dior公司贊助的塞尚畫展在巴黎大皇宮展出,開幕式上,希拉剋夫人向戴安娜王妃贈送了Dior新款包,戴安娜王妃欣然接受,並立刻使用。隨後幾天,這款包與她形影不離。而Dior旋即將這個還沒有命名的新包,冠以Lady Dior的優雅名字,成爲如今Dior主線銷售的基本款皮包之一。 招牌的品牌金屬吊扣,獨特的絎縫菱形棱格,優質的小羊羔皮,和95道精細的工序……Lady Dior每年都會在材質和包形上出新。

Christian Dior 公司的創始人Dior先生,生前對遊戲有着特殊的愛好。今天,這一愛好便被演繹出一個以骰子爲主題的新系列——Dior Gambler系列。該系列將五十年代Teddy Boy的樂隊風格與搖滾態度溶入設計中,令設計既富含創意又極具詼諧之感。

除此之外,Christian Dior所創造的「H-Line」、「A-Line」「Y-Line」剪裁輪廓線條一直到今天,仍深深影響着現代設計師的設計觀。例如流行界知名的Pierre Cardin及Yves Saint Laurent,都是Christian Dior一手調教培養出來的優秀弟子。 Christian Dior設計的天分就如同他對藝術的熱愛,天生而不矯作。雖然從未受過正式的服裝設計訓練,然而對於比例,Christian Dior有着精緻高超的掌握技巧。自40年代中期以來,始終堅持貫徹完美的剪裁原則「切線越少、效果就越好」。Dior憑靠着對藝術過人的敏銳嗅覺,領導Dior高級時裝屋走上巴黎時裝界的頂端。 Dior已經去世超過四十年了!多位接手的設計師卻讓他的時裝屋,名聲越來越響亮。除了來自米蘭的Gianfranco Ferre外,始終是英國時尚話題的John Galliano,更在其後引領Dior成爲全世界流行界的矚目焦點。Galliano不僅在秀場中,加入許多將誇張的戲劇效果,就連Dior服裝主題的設計上,也有着戲劇性高潮迭起的精彩表現。

服裝始終是Dior發展的重點,不論是「Haute Couture高級訂製服」的高單價訂製禮服,或是「Ready-To-Wear高級時裝」的實穿服裝,Christian Dior沒有一刻忘記創造時尚的最高原則---精緻的剪裁。這是Dior一直以來的主要設計精神。至於其它各品項,如皮件、珠寶、手錶、眼鏡、鞋子甚至是家飾品,CD也都以自我獨特的華麗風格,融合敏銳的時尚創作魅力,推出各系列產品。

Dior的男裝系列在20xx年更名爲DIOR HOMME,由法國籍設計師Hedi Slimane擔綱設計。Hedi的設計強調完美的線條,同時因其超小尺碼的服裝以及專門選用偏瘦的年輕模特拍攝廣告而引人注目,被成爲“世界上最性感男人”的布萊德·彼特結婚時的禮服就是出自Hedi之手,而衆多女星更是努力減肥以求穿上Hedi設計的DIOR HOMME男裝,由此可見DIOR HOMME的風靡程度。

■■克里斯汀·迪奧Christian Dior│品牌識別






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